Boys Brigade
Girls Brigade
Noah's Ark
Baby & Toddler Group
Churches Together in Clacton
the value of charity donations |
Beginning at 10:30am with all-age worship often
with a multi-media approach, followed by a teaching time when...
Adults remain in the sanctuary to receive a
bible-based talk.
Children and young people leave for
Junior Church, where they have fun, play games
and learn about the Bible. Their teaching content is usually the
same as the adults albeit adapted especially for them.
Under 3's have the use of a supervised crèche.
Please note: Parents/carers of children under age
five are requested to remain on the premises.
There is opportunity for further prayer/ministry
after the service; if an open invitation has not been given, please
approach somebody you've seen up-front for assistance.
Everyone is welcome to stay for tea, coffee, squash
and biscuits after the service.
On the third Sunday of each month, starting at 10:30am,
the entire Church family meets together for an all-age service.
Approximately quarterly, this includes a Parade Service for the
Girls' Brigade and
Boys' Brigade Companies attached to
the Church.
A supervised crèche is available for the under 3's.
Parents/carers of children under the age of five are
requested to remain on the premises.
As its name suggests, we start at around 5:50pm
with tea or coffee, and a chance to catch up/build relationships with
friends. During The evening continues with worship and prayer in a
more relaxed informal setting in the Friendship Lounge.
Communion occurs during the first Sunday morning
service each month and occasionally on a Sunday evening.
Everyone who loves the Lord God as their Saviour
and friend, is
welcome to share in this celebration, regardless of denomination or
The bread and wine (non-alcoholic) are also offered
to the children and young people, if they wish to be involved.
Pier Avenue Baptist Church, Holland-on-Sea Baptist
Church, Thorpe-le-Soken Baptist Church and Kirby Evangelical Church together form a cluster of local
Baptist Churches. All four churches benefit from
greater mutual support and cooperation
in mission. Together we meet every few months
for shared celebration services and/or other social
events. Details of these as they occur, maybe seen in the
forthcoming event pages
and the church's monthly diary.
- Telephone the Church Office: 01255 474391 or
email us